"Where are all of my tomatoes?! I store them right here on the floor surrounding my bed as always. There was like, 50 of them when I passed out last night!" Graham is always being scolded by everyone around him that he needs to take better care of his den. Getting ready took him at least five times longer than it should. Food is a necessity for him when he leaves, but his inability to find the food he wants before he leaves keeps him shut in for longer than need be. His parents liked having space all two themselves, so they have three interconnected dens down below the hard dirt surrounded by tomato plants that supply them with their midday snacks. "Maybe Ruby is right about me getting a cabinet to put my tomatoes in so I don't wake up and smush them as I get out of bed. But not the part about having a diamond encrusted cabinet; that's taking things waaaay too far. Plus, it's out of my family's budget."

Graham took a step off his bed and his feet enveloped in something sugary. He hadn't the faintest idea that he was about to slip and fall on left-over caramel that's been living below his scattered tomato décor. He flipped onto his bum with joy overlapping his confusion. "Sweet!" He went in and licked his caramel covered foot like a sugar starved child in a candy store.

"Yuck! What's this?" Graham spat out a tiny piece of red fur with disgust. "Why is there red in my den that doesn't taste like a juicy tomato?" He took a moment to regain his composure before standing up to noticing an oddity with his grandfather clock. His eyes were drawn in at the sight of two soft bushes wrapping around themselves like a newly lit fire. Like a moth to a flame, excitement took over his feet as he approached the twin-flame silhouette.

His footsteps were loud enough to frighten the creature to knock over the clock as it ran to hide underneath his bed.

"Hey! You're making a mess! Rude, for a guest, aren'tcha?" Graham isn't one for arguments for cleanliness, but only if he isn't the source of the uncleanly distress. With his tolerance for messiness, he could live in his own filth for all he cared, but somebody else's? No sir. That's where he drew the line. "Come out from under there and face me you coward! I can see your twin-red bum!"

A red fox with glowing fur slipped from underneath the bed. Its voice cracking from embarrassment, but coming from a place of sincerity. 

"An ‘I’m sorry’ is in order.

A curse has befallen me. 

In the company of the unknown, 

Anxiety holds my hand. 

Let me reassure you of worry. 

Towards my journey back home, 

Rainfall turned me into a stray. 

Guiding winds drew me to your den.

I too rest within the Earth. 

My reactivity has brought the storm to you. 

Allow me to turn all you have anew. 

From me to you, is a gesture of my servitude."

Twin-Tails is easily caught in her anxiety, but she knew to take personal responsibility for her actions. This is due to her unfortunate affliction to take recourse for the exploits she believes she causes.

"I ain't got enough time in the day for all this chaos! I can hardly make heads of tails of what's coming out of your mouth! Just understand this, give to me 100 tomatoes is your debt! Repay them to me this instance or you may not leave!"

"Demands made to fix my unruliness. 

Shall permit my feet to be swift, 

But still bound by the laws, they are. 

Condolences are to be made, 

To have haste replaced by sincerity.

"The clock is supposed to be ticking, but you broke it!"

"Time has stopped by my paws. 

My unruliness given your heart a boo-boo. 

Allow me to bestow onto you something this land sees as new. 

I will return to you a valley of apples. 

Make room for time by the way you sit. 

The will to rise will awaken when no room exists on your table. 

Let your mind wonder for the taste of this one bit."

Graham took a minute to think about what came out of Twin-Tail's mouth. Well, maybe not to think, but to look like he takes more time to arrive at a decision that he actually does. Wouldn't want to appear non-introspective in front of his new friend now, right? "Yes. That makes sense. I, uhm, comply."

Twin-Tails perked up her face to give off a smile filled with gratitude for being given the opportunity to make amends for her misdeeds. 

"Let me bestow upon you a fantasy. 

Wait for the fruit to hit its prime when ready. 

Your belly will scream with force you may not contain, 

My juice will be born of the mountains!"


"I give you my words to fill in dead air, 

Allow me permission to disappear?"

"Well, hurry up and get the heck outta here to get them apples into my dry mouth!" Graham couldn't quite piece together what is happening, but he knew he wanted whatever this apple thing in his mouth right now that he spaced out without noticing his new friend saying her goodbye for the day.

Twin-Tail's bowed her head gently. 

"I will make off back home to my fountain. 

I'll gift onto you an apple pouring in nectar,

Texture where your teeth will make its bed. 

Let me not dwell as I say my farewell." 

Twin-Tail's stood up steadfast. Calm poured out her worries and laid rest in her movements as she left Graham's den to bring joy back into his home. A mysterious black figure in the back went unnoticed. Its attention focused solely on the fleeing mutant.

"Wait! You're headed towards the forbidden land!"



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