"Hopefully with today's meeting we can bring the Force back into Wynter Force. We've been at each other's throats lately. Maybe I should go out to Sweet Tooth and get some snacks for everyone? We'll be able to communicate better if we're all feeling better. Plus, sweets should calm everyone down enough to listen to one another, right?"

Whyte grabbed her bulky green canvas bag with the Wynter Force logo on it. A monochromatic white wolf head looking downward to the side. It's impossible to tell if it has a smirk on its face, or it's just craving food. To take her trusty ole bike, or rely on her feet alone? A slick bike would make things terribly easy for her, but she knew the walk would give her time to take everything going on in. Oh, what is a torn up wolf to do she wondered. Deep breaths from the entirety of her belly got Whyte reacquainted with herself. Without even being given direction, her feet began to move on its own. Taking the time for a slow walk with the minty breeze to settle her nerves is what her body knew it needed. She didn't even have task. Like a pond shaken by fallen rain, her headspace rippled enough that making a decision was near impossible, but oddly enough, that same mess is what got her to go into something clearer. She payed attention to her body. Her legs moved her out of the house, and her nose breathed in the calmness of fresh air mixed with the morning dew. Storm clouds rained on her being, but her walk covered her from the falling water. After soaking in the weathers of her psyche, the waves of her thought settled into equilibrium. Calmness dipped from her ears to her toes with every passing step.

Whyte arrived to Sweet Tooth to have her nose caressed by the smell of freshly baked breads, melted parmesan, and the sugary sensation of all the cakes pervading her senses. Whyte let herself melt her stress the only way she intuitively knew how in the moment: by serenading herself in all of it. Oddity came to mind when a strange but familiar scent came by. "I don't remember the store selling carrot cakes?"

Ruby knew nothing better but to hold her hands out at the sight of the beautiful wolf. "Offycer Whyte!"

"The cute little Ruby! And let's not forget the two handsome Blake, and Graham!" Ruby gathered them all in for a group hug while being careful to not knock down the last piece of carrot cake from her hand. "Mmm, you guys! I'm so happy to see you all!"

Blake initiated the first response in his group. "Likewise, Offycer. Thanks for all that you and the Force do for all of us."

Whyte allowed the praise fill her spirit by giving out a giggle in return. "No need to be so formal, Blake. Just call me Ms. Whyte."

"Yes, ma'am. I mean, Gotcha, Ms. Whyte." Blake stumbled a bit from Whyte calling herself Miss, instead of Misses, but Graham gave voice to his belly before he could inquire onto why the title changed.

"Whyte like the frosting on our cake!"

Ease entered into Whyte's eyelids a tad from the carefree nature of the kids. "Haha. That's right. What a beautiful cake you have there, Ruby. Did a young talent like yourself make it?"

Red covered Ruby's face from Whyte's flattery of being independent enough to make a cake all by herself. "You bet I did it solo! I just figured this out just now, but I don't think I've ever given you one of my sweets, Ms. Whyte. The last slice is for you actually!"

Kindness from Ruby's offering heated up Whyte's heart enough melt through the protective layer she's been building up. Self-esteem became an issue as she felt undeserving of such a nice cake. Should and shouldn't entered her mind as she believes she should be watching what she's eating for the time being. Blueberry oatmeal for later will have to due until she's earned a delicious slice of Ruby's carrot cake. Ages have passed since she let her sweet tooth get any action, but discipline is the name of the game, and she has no intentions on losing. Surely if she is disciplined enough to avoid junk food, it proves she's prestigious enough to be worthy as a member of the Wynter Force. She is a big wolf now after all. Yet, the irony of wanting to feed her team sweets for their hard work and foregoing them herself didn't rise up to her thoughts at all. "Awe. That's awfully sweet of you, Ruby. I'm only here to pick up some blueberry cake for my fellow Offycer's, but thank you kindly. You're such a wondrous kid. I see you growing into quite the young lady someday." Whyte gave Ruby a head pat as she went inside.

"Hmm. I wonder who we should give the last carrot cake to?"

Graham raised his hand in excitement as his face went towards the cake. "Me!"

Ruby moved it out of the way as Graham's face fell flat into the ground by trying to snatch the cake before Ruby realized it.

Blake took his turn to speak. "I know. We should give it to Gianluca for all he's done for us. He is quite a good mayor. He looks after the people, and even makes time to play with the kids in the park and bring a feast with him once a month to celebrate how much Billowing Embers means to him. He deserves so much more, but I'm sure he'll love this cake!"

Ruby liked the idea of impressing the mayor with the best cake she's made by far. Everything's turning up for Ruby to finally leave her mark on the village. "Great idea! Let's head to the mayor’s office now!"

Whyte walked passed all the blueberry filled pastries. The sweet scent of glazed sugar kept her from walking at full pace. Self-criticism kept her from treating herself, but alas, her willpower overpowered her cravings for self-satisfaction. After walking pass the assortment of golden brown breads, she reached the end of the aisle and greeted Matty Mole selling the best cakes there. Smiles were exchanged when their eyes met.

"Offycer Whyte! For what do I owe the pleasure of having you in my department?"

"I'm here to pick up some blueberry cake to treat my fellow Offycers. They've been so high strung with all the misgivings, I thought I'd help them take the stress off their shoulders, you know?"

"My, I do hope they appreciate all that you do for them. You're definitely a solo act of the Force. The Kindness Queen you are after all."

"The Kindness Queen?" Whyte didn't feel deserving of such a name. If anyone even got a peek into how she genuinely felt inside, and the piling of being disconnected from Wyll, surely they wouldn't think so graciously of her?

"Well, of course. You're the most trustworthy one of the whole Force. Everyone knows they may count on you to be there for them and to not be the talk of drama in this town.

"You're all too kind."

"I know it's hard to believe in our words, especially with the bashing of the Force lately. My dear husband, Gianluca, told me about what happened between you and Wyll. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm not a people pleaser, so whether you take my word or not is up to you. Just know that I am the one who began calling you The Kindness Queen, and everyone followed suit. You wanna know why?"

"Why would you give me such a beautiful name? I'm not sure I'm deserving of such a title."

"Because everyone believes it to be true as well. Give us some credit, will ya? We wouldn't be using it if we didn't believe it true. This cake is on the house. A gift from me for allowing us to rest easy knowing you're there to keep the Force in check."

Whyte's shaking eyes couldn't hold back the tears as Matty handed her a blueberry cake with a picture of a miniature forest. The bottom of the cake had something written on it. "Love Lets Me Flourish." A giant lake made up of the sweetened blueberry surrounded the forest.

"What did I do to deserve this?"

"Simply you being you is enough. It's okay to cry. It shows you care. I know you do."

Silent tears broke free from Whyte as she put the cake in her canvas bag.

"This is why I trust you, Whyte. You're not afraid to show me who you are."

Whyte's heart tugged as Matty's words reminded her of Wyll. Wyll brought up how he couldn't be with her as he felt as though he never truly got to see the real Whyte. So why is the really Whyte showing up now? Did she make her appearance here and there before?

"Thank you for lending a hand to get a foolish girl up on her feet, Matty."

"It's no problem at all. I extend my arm to you, Whyte. Just ask, and I shall pick you up."

Whyte's arms warmly enclosed Matty's body. The moment became enveloped by both their kindness. When the moment became full, Whyte let her go as she made way to Wynter Force Station next to the mayor's office.

The kids arrived to find Gianluca admiring the pink butterfly bush planted around his office. Bending forward to examine their petals closer, he began to ponder if he saw their colors properly or if he was getting too old for his glasses to help him see right. "I swear you're violet, but people see my face blush pink and they all tell me, 'see, the same pretty glow as those cheeks!'" 

Ruby's voice snuck up from behind. "We brought carrot cake!"

Gianluca's made way for the clouds. Balance escaped him as he barely stuck the landing by almost crushing a flower with his feet. "Oh, dearest me. You almost took the remainder of life in me. Oh dear, oh dear."

"You're always looking out for us, so we brought you the last piece!"

"Awe. How thoughtful of you youngins. You all will grow up to be extraordinary citizens. I can tell from this kind gesture."

Ruby's cheeks lit up, Blake's face twitched with embarrassment, and Graham is unaffected by words he couldn't consume.

"I truly, dooly, hope so!"

After getting comfortable with his nerves, Blake spoke up. "You're just being nice."

Finger wags came from Gianluaca. "No, no, no. Thinking of others and making them a gift? That's character. That's what you kids got. I hope you can inspire the other children to build their own values as well."

Graham stood and watched as he felt had nothing important to add.

"It was Ruby who baked the cake. We just walked her here."

"What a gentlemen. Accompanying her and making sure she's safe from harm. Good on you, lad."

Ruby let her hands gently fan the cake. "There's extra sugar. Just the way I love it."

"Extra sweet, like the extra sweet girl who made it, I see."

Ruby lifted her hands to her cheeks as her face puffed up."

"Well, thank you children for the nice surprise. I've got to be going. A dire Wynter Force meeting is being held about the Twin-Tails. Enjoy your evening."

In unison, "We will!" Their feet giddied on over to the playground. Ruby went to the slides, Blake hung on the monkey bars, and Graham made a bed in the sand.

Gianluca grabbed the cake and went on over to the dark basement of the Wynter Force's base. The cake is placed on the round table where all the Offycer's gathered.

Hungry eyes came from Wyggler as he couldn't see anything but Ruby's cake. "You gonna eat that?"

"How rude. Yes. I shall. A treat for a successful meeting, but so far success is nowhere near arriving. Now. I've summoned you all here as we have a good idea on where this Twin-Tail is. But we have to do something about it."

Whyte spoke up. "It hasn't caused any harm to us. Why don't we just leave it be like it's doing for us?"

"Because, Whyte. It's a fox. Growing up, I've heard tall tales of foxes being quite the tricksters. I had an uncle who met a fox who promised him food after his exhausting travels. When he followed the fox, he was lead a barren, yet dirty garden that reeked of spoiled vegetables. He was given a smelly drink darker than the night. The fox reassured him it was a special medicine. Like the fool he was, my uncle drank it all in one big gulp. His body vomit it all out the exact same instance it the last drop entered his mouth. The fox laughed its lungs out as it walked away. Luckily, my uncle was a rather hefty fellow. He was able to survive and make it home safe and sound. He was ill ever since and passed away not too long after. Point being, we cannot trust its kind. Its beauty is a façade. Don't take the bait. I'm certain if given the chance, it'll lure us out to the Giant Walkers and strike when we least expect it."

"But we're only making assumptions. Not every person of their kind is like the other. One bad fox doesn't make the whole litter rotten."

Wynery rolled her eyes. "Are you trying to say something about your own Offycers, Whyte?"

Whyte took a pause. "What do you mean?"

"Word on the street is you're like a Queen. Hah! How vain! Like, really? What makes you so pure compared to the rest of us."


"Don't you 'Wynery' me."

Wylbur, one of the younger offycer who recently joined the force didn't like the tone Wynery is taking. "At least she isn't disloyal. No honest to good person would do things behind their lovers back."

Wyggler puffed up his chest. "Watch it, newbie!"

"Hey. I have a name. It's Wylbur. I earned my place on the force. Put some respect on it."

"A force member without proof he's worth anything." Wyggler spat at the ground.

"Regardless of your insecurity of being outclassed by a newbie..."

Wyggler stomped towards Wylbur to put his fist to his face. "Outclassed?!"

"Lower your fist. This isn't even about you, Wyggler, sir. I'm curious as to why you are defending her? You should be furious! I would be furious! No! I am furious! She betrayed you!"

"Why should my husband be furious? Nothing has gone wrong."

"Oh, yeah. Messing around behind his back with a civilian is nothing to be ashamed about. Am I right?"

Wyggler threw his hands on the table, knocking the cake over. "Listen! There's no evidence of such infidelity taking place! At the very least, we're still together unlike someone else!"

Wynery saw her opportunity to belittle Whyte. "What kind of Queen lets his King walk away like that? I guess Wyll power alone won't save your shortcomings."

"Hey! Their falling out is none of our business! At least it was done amicably with respect for one another!"

"How would you know? For all we know, either one of them could've had some side candy."

Whyte put her head down as the others continued without noticing.

"You couldn't even show Wyll that he mattered. All this fame and glory, yet your home life was developing dust bunnies. Did you really think being a trophy wife was enough? Your regard doesn't even come close to his!"

Gianluca stepped in to diffuse the situation before it got too out of hand. "That's enough. You all need to settle down."

"Wyll and I... He wasn't exactly able to return the love I wanted either..."

"And what did you want?! Did you even know what you want? Maybe you only joined the Force so that you could seek the entire village's adoration. Hoping that maybe someone's crumbs could eventually give you what want, but you still don't even know what that is. How did you think that made Wyll feel when his best efforts weren't enough? How do you reciprocate when nothing you do is ever appreciated? Sounds like you treated him more like your job than your partner."

"You tell her, honey!"

"Shut your trap!" Wynery couldn't stop from having her death glare shine upon her husband.

Whyte's thoughts and emotions were scrambling to make heads or tails of what she is being told. "...I...I..."

"Enough! No more talk of our personal asides. You're all acting like little babies throwing a tantrum because Mommy and Daddy won't give you attention! Grow up! This meeting is being called because we cannot trust this Twin-Tailed trickster. I'm offering a pay raise to the entire Wynter Force if you can capture the foul creature. Keep your gossip to yourself and do your jobs right!"

The Wynter Force corrected their posture and cleaned up their vile tone. With a salute, they answered, "Yes, sir."


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