
Showing posts from December, 2021


Two shrines erected above the waters of the cave, directly kissed by the sunshine entering the darkness. Bearrianna laying down with three slices of apple pie next to her. They weren't quite smooth and appetizing to look at. Like a boring mess of an amateur's wall decoration, they looked like a baker's first try; crumbs surrounding her due to the unrefined technique, but none of that bothered her. Enough pieces for her and her two heavenly loves. The crisp apple pie scent mixed with the fresh apples many of the bears brought together as an offering. This is a housewarming gift for the two young ones for settling into paradise. With each breath taking in the heavenly scent of apples embracing her, this is Bearriana's heaven. Each breath reminding her of the fullness of her body. The cold of the cave contrasted with the warmth of God's light. Each exhale reminding her of all she had to let go off, but coming full circle with each inhale reminding her of the uncontaine


XVIII. HIGHER FORCE Neighboring bears came to see the entire commotion. Claws ready in case of predators. "Bearetherens, I have taken down the murderer of our kind." "Then her life belongs to us. To the pits of hell with her!" An angry bear approached trying to swipe at Lana's head. Bearriana grabbed his hand and nestled them both in hers. “Trust me. I want to smite her as much as the rest of you. More than the rest of you combined even. She took our bearothers, she took our sisters... she took my kids! But I know the both of them would be heartbroken if their mother shed more blood than need be. They were kind to a fault, but this monster is no longer a threat. Let her own self-judgment hold her back. If she cannot see the grief she's caused, then perhaps salvation isn't for everyone. A cell in her own pride is where she'll rot." "This is preposterous!" Whyte walked in-between Bearrianna and the pack of growling bears. "I'm O


XVII. FEATHERLESS WINGS "What have you inbred vermin's done to my prey!?" Lana shook her head like an angry pendulum trying to break free of her string. Her desires built up to being within reach only to now have a flightless, overindulgent sky rat, and three tiny gremlins take away her prize? "Worms! All of you!" She pounced at the kids, only to be knocked back by a whyte blur. "It's okay, kids. The Wynter Force is here to protect you." Whyte has her paws over Lana. While her submission is strong, Lana grazed her teeth against her forearm. Whyte retreated from the pain and scudded behind her team. "Quite the bite coming from a stray." Her eyes twitched as she gently lowered her body to loosen the tension. The others shielded her so she could recuperate safely. Lana stood tall like a giant as she spat out Whyte's blood from her mouth, the blood barely hitting her cowering face. "What's a group of four weak little dogs going t


XVI. HEAVENLY "I will not be gate kept from my divinity!" Lana breathed a hundred miles a second. After being just one strike away from slaying a god, her holy title is taken away by some buffoon of a bird? She transferred all of her anger to her paw as she pressed Eustice's face against the ground. "I'll make you one with the Earth itself. Know your place beneath the heavens, jester!" "You have already proven your worth as a warrior time and time again. Why not let this one go and give someone who's never had even a word of complimence uttered in his name for once?" "You seek pity from me? Of all people? You think I have pity in my black heart to offer?" Eustice gave off a gruff scowl as he could barely keep his eyes open. "Doesn't hurt to ask now does it?" "Your lack of pride makes my stomach churn sick! What better way to teach you your earthly ties than by removing the very thing that allows you to seek heaven i


XV. PROOF OF ROYAL BLOOD "We've been trekking along the mountain for so long, Ruby. Graham and I are tired. Let's rest for a water break, please." The gang have made it almost half-way up the mountain. Just short of finding Lana's horrid mess, Graham and Blake pleaded to Ruby for a break. Exhaustion made it difficult for them to move forward. Ruby, with all her excitement, has more than enough energy to spare to the top of the mountain and back twice. "C'mon, guys. Look up there. I can almost see the tip of the mountain. Just pull yourselves up and tell the voice in your head to be quiet. Easy." Graham put his hands on his belly. "My brain isn't the one telling me it's dying from overexertion. My body wants to leave me for putting it through all this physical abuse." "You're just hungry as always." Ruby rolled her eyes. Graham fall backwards on his bum. Even sitting on his body became too much as his backpack got him t


XIV. PREDISPOSITION "If I let the pool of blood reach our sanctuary, Our plant life will lose their prosperity." Drips of cyan washed from Flora's eyes to make its way down her auburn fur. Not a single blink came to her. Two of her bear family members were lying motionless on the ground. Violence like this could never cross her heart. Truly, she believed no one would do such a thing. One of the fallen, Bearitrice, was a young bear who grew up with siblings with soft hearts. The other bear, Bearon, was the talk of the entire pack. "With a heart lighting up compassion,  A dear soul of home will be missed. From laughter that will forever echo these mountains,  Your memories will never turn to mist." She picked herself up by her paws and ran towards her hidden sanctuary. Her heart sagged from the weight of her sorrow. Heaven was hidden was behind both of the corpses. The only camouflage being an ordinary shrub. She had planned to have lunch with her bearest friends,